
The Guardian recently ran a great article by the bibliotherapists (yes!) at London’s The School of Life. They’re saying reading fiction has “not only the power to lift spirits, but to effect fundamental psychological shifts.” I like especially that they mention (one of my favorite books) Salman Rushdie’s Haroun and the Sea of Stories as a way for the disillusioned to re-engage with life, and prescribe Hemingway’s The Old Man and the Sea as “a calming balm.” Ann Leary (my client) has a wonderful piece up on this week about how she turns to Brian Moore’s The Lonely Passion of Judith Hearne to feel better when she is depressed. You can read Ann’s piece here.
If you’re racking your brain to think of novels to read to cure what ails you, note that TSOL’s bibliotherapy services are available in person as well as via phone/skype.
